3-Month Anniversary — And What A Ride!

GMR Finance
7 min readAug 4, 2021


Today, the 4th of August marks the third month of GMR, and it’s time to look back and appreciate what has happened so far.

3 months in — feels like we’ve been around for a long time already, but when you stop and think about it, we’ve barely just started. 3 months is nothing for a crypto token. And yet here we are, competing in major competitions with established tokens and matured use-cases, and we’re still in production. So let’s go back to the start, and go through what has happened up until now.

The launch that would make SpaceX jealous

We launched on May 4th, earlier than anticipated, and boy was that a wild ride. Opening at a price point around 0.00000000283, after a brief drop to 0.00000000272, buyers were relentless. The hype was massive, and for five days, early investors could see the price increase with almost no resistance, every time a whale dumped, the dip was eaten like a kebab roll at 3 AM after a night of drinking.

Five days of insane climbing striking a final ATH of 0.00000087345, hitting a market cap around 380m, after an unheard of price multiplication of 308,6x.. IN FIVE DAYS! Holy moonshot, Batman!

The hard follow-up to the impossible start

In the wake of such a crazy start, the following downtrend of the entire crypto market took the air out of the initial hype, but already at this point, you could feel the buzz. The community believed in the project, and despite a lot of people concerned about the future of GMR, as the price went down, you could already feel that the groundwork had been put down for something special. The Discord server was growing, and slowly, but steadily, the community came together to support each other in the face of a scary crypto crash.

And amidst dropping crypto prices, a guy had this idea: “Hey, I do some podcasts, it would be pretty cool to do one for GMR.” That guy was Frank Catena, a talent in his own right with recording and editing, and this gave birth to the GMR Zone podcast. Spawned from the community, made by the community, and immediately recognized by the GMR team as an invaluable asset to the project. The podcast would quickly bring in the voices of several legendary community members, including, but certainly not limited to Westy and The Jesus, two Discord admins, Troy “The Boomer” Jensz and Diamond Hans, all drafted from among moderators across all platforms. And the rest is history!

To further help people see that the project was alive and well, something new was needed. So, after a few weeks of increasing unrest, on the 21st of May, only 17 days after launch, GMR was happy to announce a partnership with one of UKs biggest gaming talent agencies with 50 million followers divided across a pool of amazing talents, and thus opening up to revive a hugely popular concept: FIFA Fridays with MattHDGamer, one of the most well-established FIFA streamers, who was going to help bring the GMR name and logo into the eyes of gamers. And with that, GMR took its first step out of the cryptosphere, and towards becoming a true utility gamer token.

Security, security, security.. Oh, and a sprinkle of Binance

Early on, GMR had already made sure that the contract was safe and secure, having run not one, but TWO security audits to make sure that the code was not going to be the dealbreaker for potential investors.

This should have been enough for most projects, but GMR has since the beginning been adamant about making sure, that no one could put a finger on the legitimacy of the project, so of course they would expose the contract to the famous CertiK audit, which basically means allowing someone to not only look through the project, but also post ALL potential weaknesses on the world wide web. Talk about confidence in your own code.

Then, while we were waiting for this fabled CertiK audit, and the FUD was starting to roll in from some who did not actually believe that GMR would pass the audit (FUD which would soon be put to shame), another thing happened. One that nobody did see coming.

GMR was appointed top 20 among more than 500 projects on BSC in Binances “Most Valuable Builder” competition, where an official team from Binance would bestow GMR the honour of sitting amongst some of the twenty most promising projects for the future of utility tokens. This happened while GMR was only still starting to push out early features for the GMR Center platform, meaning that we were competing with long established tokens that had their full use cases live and functional already. No small feat for a new project with nothing to show other than perhaps the best community in all Crypto.

This created a whole new buzz, one not seen since the first few days after launch, and while this was happening, boom, who knocks on the door? CertiK with a brand-new finished audit, showing that GMR had passed the most thorough independent security audit. And the day after, CertiK Skynet went live with a whopping score of 93/100, making GMR one of the most secure projects on the entire BSC blockchain.

Beam us up, Mascotty!

Then, as we were still buzzing with the news of a passed CertiK audit, official recognition by Binance as a promising future utility token, it was time to unleash some of what people had been pining for GMR could lift the veil to reveal our very own mascot, Leet!

This little fellow popped in — giving the author of this message a few familiar flashbacks to various droid sidekicks in certain movies and games — and delivered the message: “Profile customization up on the 20th of July!” — And did anyone notice? Well, a few did. Most were busy being mesmerized by this twirly new robot, some in a good way, some in a less impressed manner. But Leet was born, and for a project and community of this nature, it is only logical that we would get a friendly, cute and efficient representative. And since day one, the vast majority has been over the moon about our dear little buddy.

But wait, what was that about the 20th?

Well yes, of course. In less than three months since launch, the very first feature drop arrived, and gave people an actual sneak peek of the platform that will be establishing the foundation for the success of GMR. Because honestly — hadn’t we all forgot that GMR is not about the coin? Yeah, me too, because how could you not forget, when the coin itself could serve to establish so much good? Well lo’ and behold, there it was, the first step into what is to become the future of gaming. Wow, writing that out is crazy. We’re witnessing a revolution, aren’t we? Well, people loved what they saw as much as I did, and you could tell that CTO Marc Garside has been buzzing to nleash the next feature ever since. And we all owe it to him and his team, the center looks absolutely top tier.

Three insane months, will the next three be less hectic? Nah..

Not if you ask the dev team. All of the guys at GMR are hyped up on anticipation (and caffeinated energy drinks, gamers right?), and they promise that they have no intention of letting up now.

So, what do we know is coming down the line? Well, so far, we have the NFT Marketplace, something that I myself am dying to see, and something that can even make myself type out “WEN NFT MARKET?” (I delete it again before posting, don’t worry). And if that isn’t enough of a hype-inducing coming soon, how about this: GMR launching its massively anticipated $250,000 Call of Duty Warzone tournament in September this year, and every day, a new detail is settled behind the scenes to make an unforgettable event that will truly catapult GMR towards its rightful spot as the token by gamers, for gamers.

Birthday Wishes!

What’s left to say, except HAPPY THIRD MONTH ANNIVERSARY GMR! It has been a crazy ride, and we are all happy to share it with everyone. To the community, please continue being wholesome, awesome and gamers. No downtrend can ever take the spirit and energy out of the GMR members we know and love. And a huge thank you to the partnerships and solo content creators that have taken this leap of faith with us. We will not forget this service, and we will return the love and appreciation tenfold.



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